Powersport Service, Repair and Transport

Lou's Garage is dedicated to delivering quality services, focusing on efficiency and customer satisfaction. From routine Maintenance to Repairs, to Transport, Lou's can do it for you!

services provided


Oil +Filter change, (3 hole offered), differential fluid, mount & balance tires (ATV, Motorcycles & Trailer*), Battery Check, Carb Clean, Chain & Belt Adjustments/replacement, Suspension components, Brakes, Cooling system. Detailng offered*(powersport& trailers)


Engine + Transmission overhaul, Rejett + tune carburetors, valves & guides, lifters & tappets, gas tanks, clutch baskets, Forks seals,winches, throttle/ clutch cables, charging system, cooling system, electrical troubleshooting, Trailers*(limited)


TX, LA, AR, OK., Pickup/Delivery services/One-way, ATVS, Motorcyles, Three Wheelers, Side by sides, vehicles*(must fit on car hauler), Travel Trailers/Toy Hauler*(Bumper pull only, limited to 12,000lb).


Aftermarket accessories, Parts/upgrades, Winch/cables, tires, brackets, 2-up ATV seats, Light bars, windshields, handguards, headlights, Batteries, Forks/suspension components, handlebars, grips, throttle/clutch cables, OEM and Aftermarket Parts ordering


Lou's Garage LLC is owned by your trusted powersport specialist, Louis Trinchero. Louis has a Certicate in Engine and Motorcycle Technology from Dallas College in Texas. Louis is dedicated to offering his specialty in servicing, repairs and transportion on your powersport needs. Contact directly to schedule your appointment today!

Hours: By Appointment ONLY

110 E O'Connell Street
Howe, Texas 75459
Tel: 707-363-0265
Email: lousgaragellc@gmail.com